1  Overview of moiraine

In this chapter, we provide an overview of the capabilities of moiraine. Some code is presented for illustration, but for more details readers will be directed towards the corresponding chapter in the manual.

Loading packages

## For custom colour palettes

## For working with lists

## For visualising sO2PLS summary

1.1 Input data

The first step is to import the omics datasets and associated information into R. For each omics dataset, the moiraine package expects three pieces of information, which are read from csv files (or other specific formats when possible such as gtf or gff3):

  • the measurements of omics features across the samples (the dataset)

  • information about the omics features measured (the features metadata)

  • information about the samples measured (the samples metadata)

An example of input files is shown below:

An example of input files for moiraine (first 10 rows and 4 columns only): A) RNAseq read counts across genes (rows) and samples (columns). B) Table of features metadata, providing information about the genes measured. c) Table of samples metadata, i.e. information about the animals that were observed.

moiraine uses the MultiDataSet package to store the omics datasets and associated metadata into a single R object, which can be used as input for the different moiraine functions (see Chapter 3 for details about data import). This ensures that these functions can be used regardless of the number or type of omics datasets to analyse. At any point, the datasets, features and samples metadata can easily be extracted from the MultiDataSet object through get_datasets(), get_features_metadata() and get_samples_metadata().

Here is an example of a MultiDataSet object:

#> Object of class 'MultiDataSet'
#>  . assayData: 3 elements
#>     . snps: 23036 features, 139 samples 
#>     . rnaseq: 20335 features, 143 samples 
#>     . metabolome: 55 features, 139 samples 
#>  . featureData:
#>     . snps: 23036 rows, 13 cols (feature_id, ..., p_value)
#>     . rnaseq: 20335 rows, 15 cols (feature_id, ..., de_signif)
#>     . metabolome: 55 rows, 16 cols (feature_id, ..., de_signif)
#>  . rowRanges:
#>     . snps: YES
#>     . rnaseq: YES
#>     . metabolome: NO
#>  . phenoData:
#>     . snps: 139 samples, 10 cols (id, ..., geno_comp_3)
#>     . rnaseq: 143 samples, 10 cols (id, ..., geno_comp_3)
#>     . metabolome: 139 samples, 10 cols (id, ..., geno_comp_3)

Importantly, this means that all the information that we have about the omics features and samples are available to moiraine for customising plots or outputs. For example, it is possible to quickly generate a heatmap displaying the measurements for specific features of interest, and add information about the features and samples to facilitate the interpretation of the plot:

head(interesting_features) ## vector of feature IDs
#> [1] "ARS-BFGL-NGS-27468" "BovineHD2300010006" "BovineHD0300000351"
#> [4] "BovineHD1900011146" "BovineHD0900026231" "ENSBTAG00000022715"

colours_list <- list(                       
  "status" = c("Control" = "gold", "BRD" = "lightblue"),
  "day_on_feed" = colorRamp2(c(5, 70), c("white", "pink3")),
  "de_status" = c("downregulated" = "deepskyblue", 
                  "upregulated" = "chartreuse3")

  mo_set,                                    # the MultiDataSet object
  interesting_features,                      # vector of feature IDs of interest
  center = TRUE,                             # centering and scaling data for
  scale = TRUE,                              #   easier visualisation
  show_column_names = FALSE,                 # hide sample IDs
  only_common_samples = TRUE,                # only samples present in all omics
  samples_info = c("status", "day_on_feed"), # add info about samples
  features_info = c("de_status"),            # add info about features
  colours_list = colours_list,               # customise colours
  label_cols = list(                         # specify features label
    "rnaseq" = "Name",                       #   from features metadata
    "metabolome" = "name"

Similarly, a number of functions allow to quickly summarise different aspects of the multi-omics dataset, such as creating an upset plot to compare the samples present in each omics dataset (plot_samples_upset()), or generating a density plot for each omics dataset (plot_density_data()). See Chapter 4 for more details about the different visualisations and summary functions implemented.

1.2 Data pre-processing

Target factories have been implemented to facilitate the application of similar tasks across the different omics datasets. For example, the transformation_datasets_factory() function generates a sequence of targets to apply one of many possible transformations (from the vsn, DESeq2, or bestNormalize packages, for example) on each omics dataset, store information about each transformation performed, and generate a new MultiDataSet object in which the omics measurements have been transformed:

  mo_set,                                      # MultiDataSet object
  c("rnaseq" = "vst-deseq2",                   # VST through DESeq2 for RNAseq
    "metabolome" = "logx"),                    # log2-transf. for NMR dataset
  log_bases = 2,                               # Base for log transformation
  pre_log_functions = zero_to_half_min,        # Handling 0s in log2-transf.
  transformed_data_name = "mo_set_transformed" # New MultiDataSet object

Note that there is also the option for users to apply their own custom transformations to the datasets (see Chapter 5).

Similarly, the pca_complete_data_factory generates a list of targets to run a PCA on each omics dataset via the pcaMethods package, and if necessary imputes missing values through NIPALS-PCA. The PCA results can be easily visualised for all or specific omics datasets:


  pca_runs_list,                              # List of PCA results
  datasets = "snps",                          # Dataset to plot
  pcs = 1:3,                                  # Principal components to display
  mo_data = mo_set,                           # MultiDataSet object
  colour_upper = "geno_comp_cluster",         # Samples covariate
  shape_upper = "status",                     # Samples covariate
  colour_lower = "feedlot",                   # Samples covariate
  scale_colour_lower = scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1") # Custom palette
) +
  theme(legend.box = "vertical")              # Plot legend vertically

More information about data pre-processing can be found in Chapter 6.

1.3 Data pre-filtering

The created MultiDataSet object can be filtered, both in terms of samples and features, by passing a list of sample or feature IDs to retain, or by using logical tests on samples or features metadata. In addition, we implement target factories to retain only the most variable features in each omics dataset –unsupervised filtering–, or to retain the features most associated with an outcome of interest, via sPLS-DA from mixOmics –supervised filtering– (see Chapter 7). This pre-filtering step is essential to reduce the size of the datasets prior to multi-omics integration.

  mo_set_complete,            # A MultiDataSet object
  group = "status",           # Sample covariate to use for supervised filtering
  to_keep_ns = c(             # Number of features to retain per dataset
    "snps" = 1000, 
    "rnaseq" = 1000
  filtered_set_target_name = "mo_presel_supervised" # Name of filtered object
#> Object of class 'MultiDataSet'
#>  . assayData: 3 elements
#>     . snps: 1000 features, 139 samples 
#>     . rnaseq: 994 features, 143 samples 
#>     . metabolome: 55 features, 139 samples 
#>  . featureData:
#>     . snps: 1000 rows, 13 cols (feature_id, ..., p_value)
#>     . rnaseq: 994 rows, 15 cols (feature_id, ..., de_signif)
#>     . metabolome: 55 rows, 16 cols (feature_id, ..., de_signif)
#>  . rowRanges:
#>     . snps: YES
#>     . rnaseq: YES
#>     . metabolome: NO
#>  . phenoData:
#>     . snps: 139 samples, 10 cols (id, ..., geno_comp_3)
#>     . rnaseq: 143 samples, 10 cols (id, ..., geno_comp_3)
#>     . metabolome: 139 samples, 10 cols (id, ..., geno_comp_3)

1.4 Multi-omics data integration

Currently, moiraine provides functions and target factories to facilitate the use of five integration methods: sPLS and DIABLO from the mixOmics package, sO2PLS from OmicsPLS, as well as MOFA and MEFISTO from MOFA2.

This includes functions that transform a MultiDataSet object into the required input format for each integration method; for example for sPLS (only top of the matrices shown):

  mode = "canonical",
  datasets = c("rnaseq", "metabolome")
#> $rnaseq
#>       ENSBTAG00000000020 ENSBTAG00000000046 ENSBTAG00000000056
#> R9497           3.486141           7.211634           10.25302
#> R5969           3.486141           7.436865           10.45008
#> R5327           4.005139           6.731310           10.72323
#> R5979           3.486141           7.538956           10.46189
#> R9504           4.252314           7.493829           10.20723
#>       ENSBTAG00000000061 ENSBTAG00000000113
#> R9497           5.028442           13.49233
#> R5969           4.285078           12.95106
#> R5327           5.313842           13.14427
#> R5979           4.333030           12.55548
#> R9504           4.784574           12.71693
#> $metabolome
#>       HMDB00001 HMDB00008 HMDB00042 HMDB00043 HMDB00060
#> R9497  3.397217  3.405992  9.654099  7.559186 0.5849625
#> R5969  3.318827  2.137504  7.639522  6.539159 2.5849625
#> R5327  3.721137  6.270529  6.963474  6.024586 2.6322682
#> R5979  3.326626  2.232661  8.401306  7.394891 2.5849625
#> R9504  3.603548  5.675251  7.879583  7.669594 0.8479969

moiraine also offers helper functions and target factories to facilitate the application of these integration tools. For example, the diablo_predefined_design_matrix() function generates, for a given DIABLO input object, one of the three recommended design matrices for DIABLO (null, full or weighted full), while the diablo_pairwise_pls_factory() factory creates a list of targets to estimate the optimal design matrix to use for DIABLO based on datasets pairwise correlations estimated using PLS:

    diablo_input,                            # DIABLO input object
      mo_presel_supervised,                  # MultiDataSet object (prefiltered)
      group = "status"                       # Samples covariate of interest
  diablo_pairwise_pls_factory(diablo_input)  # Target factory for design matrix
                                             #   estimation

In addition, a number of plotting functions have been implemented to visualise different aspects of the integration process: e.g. diablo_plot_tune() to show the results of model tuning in DIABLO or so2pls_plot_summary() (shown below) to display the percentage of variance explained by each latent component constructed by sO2PLS:



Wouldn’t it be nice to have informative labels for the features in DIABLO’s circos plots? With moiraine, it is possible to use information from the features metadata provided as labels for the features in the plots. So, we can go from:

  cutoff = 0.7,
  size.variables = 0.5,
  comp = 1


  label_cols = list(
    "rnaseq" = "Name",
    "metabolome" = "name"
  cutoff = 0.7,
  size.variables = 0.5,
  comp = 1

More details about how to use these integration tools through moiraine can be found in Chapters 8 to 11.

1.5 Interpreting the integration results

One of the main goals of moiraine is to facilitate the interpretation of the omics integration results. To this end, the outcome of any of the supported integration methods can be converted to a standardised integration output format, e.g.:

#> $features_weight
#> # A tibble: 8,196 × 5
#>    feature_id                  dataset latent_dimension     weight importance
#>    <chr>                       <fct>   <fct>                 <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 21-25977541-C-T-rs41974686  snps    Factor 1          0.000374      0.139 
#>  2 22-51403583-A-C-rs210306176 snps    Factor 1          0.0000535     0.0199
#>  3 24-12959068-G-T-rs381471286 snps    Factor 1          0.000268      0.0999
#>  4 8-85224224-T-C-rs43565287   snps    Factor 1         -0.000492      0.183 
#>  5 ARS-BFGL-BAC-16973          snps    Factor 1         -0.000883      0.329 
#>  6 ARS-BFGL-BAC-19403          snps    Factor 1         -0.000500      0.186 
#>  7 ARS-BFGL-BAC-2450           snps    Factor 1          0.000555      0.207 
#>  8 ARS-BFGL-BAC-2600           snps    Factor 1         -0.0000325     0.0121
#>  9 ARS-BFGL-BAC-27911          snps    Factor 1         -0.000568      0.212 
#> 10 ARS-BFGL-BAC-35925          snps    Factor 1          0.000803      0.299 
#> # ℹ 8,186 more rows
#> $samples_score
#> # A tibble: 576 × 3
#>    sample_id latent_dimension score
#>    <chr>     <fct>            <dbl>
#>  1 G1979     Factor 1          1.95
#>  2 G2500     Factor 1          1.98
#>  3 G3030     Factor 1          3.39
#>  4 G3068     Factor 1          3.65
#>  5 G3121     Factor 1          1.57
#>  6 G3315     Factor 1         -1.81
#>  7 G3473     Factor 1         -2.63
#>  8 G3474     Factor 1         -2.30
#>  9 G3550     Factor 1          2.98
#> 10 G3594     Factor 1         -1.88
#> # ℹ 566 more rows
#> $variance_explained
#> # A tibble: 12 × 3
#>    latent_dimension dataset    prop_var_expl
#>    <fct>            <fct>              <dbl>
#>  1 Factor 1         snps           0.000313 
#>  2 Factor 1         rnaseq         0.496    
#>  3 Factor 1         metabolome     0.137    
#>  4 Factor 2         snps           0.239    
#>  5 Factor 2         rnaseq         0.000197 
#>  6 Factor 2         metabolome     0.0108   
#>  7 Factor 3         snps           0.000108 
#>  8 Factor 3         rnaseq         0.199    
#>  9 Factor 3         metabolome     0.0000872
#> 10 Factor 4         snps           0.0000927
#> 11 Factor 4         rnaseq         0.0759   
#> 12 Factor 4         metabolome     0.0194   
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "output_dimension_reduction"
#> attr(,"method")
#> [1] "MOFA"

This object can then be used to visualise the integration results in a number of ways, including:

  • percentage of variance explained:

  • Sample scores as pairwise scatterplots:
  mofa_output,                                        # MOFA standardised output
  latent_dimensions = paste("Factor", 1:3),           # MOFA factors to display
  mo_data = mo_set,                                   # MultiDataSet object
  colour_upper = "status",                            # Sample covariate
  scale_colour_upper = scale_colour_brewer(palette = "Set1"), # Custom palette
  shape_upper = "gender",                             # Sample covariate
  colour_lower = "geno_comp_cluster"                  # Sample covariate
) +
  theme(legend.box = "vertical")

  • Sample scores against a sample covariate of interest (either categorical or continuous):
  mofa_output,                             # MOFA standardised output
  mo_set,                                  # MultiDataSet object
  "status",                                # Sample covariate of interest
  colour_by = "status",                    # Other sample covariate
  shape_by = "geno_comp_cluster",          # Other sample covariate
  latent_dimensions = paste("Factor", 1:2) # MOFA factors to display

  • Top contributing features with their importance:
  mofa_output,                             # MOFA standardised output
  mo_data = mo_set,                        # MultiDataSet object
  label_cols = list(                       # Custom labels for features from
    "rnaseq" = "Name",                     #   features metadata
    "metabolome" = "name"
  truncate = 25,                           # truncate long feature labels
  latent_dimensions = paste("Factor", 1:2) # MOFA factors to display

More details can be found in Chapter 12.

1.6 Evaluating the integration results

With moiraine, it is possible to evaluate the results of a given integration tool against prior information that we have about the features (e.g. knowledge about biological functions or results from a single-omics analysis) or samples (e.g. to assess the success of samples clustering into meaningful groups). For example, we can compare the feature selection performed by DIABLO to results from differential expression analyses performed on the omics datasets:

  diablo_output,                                # DIABLO standardised output
  mo_data = mo_set,                             # MultiDataSet object
  col_names = list(                             # Columns from features metadata
    "rnaseq" = "de_signif",                     #   containing DE outcome
    "metabolome" = "de_signif" 
  latent_dimensions = "Component 1"             # Latent component to focus on
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#>   method latent_dimension dataset    feature_label selected not_selected
#>   <chr>  <fct>            <fct>      <chr>            <int>        <int>
#> 1 DIABLO Component 1      rnaseq     DE                  23           52
#> 2 DIABLO Component 1      rnaseq     Not DE               7          912
#> 3 DIABLO Component 1      metabolome DE                  10           20
#> 4 DIABLO Component 1      metabolome Not DE              NA           25

In addition, a number of functions are provided to help with features set enrichment (such as over-representation analysis or gene set enrichment analysis), e.g. by generating feature sets from features metadata through make_feature_sets_from_fm(), or by ensuring that a proper background set is used in the enrichment analysis, with reduce_feature_sets_data(). Information about evaluation of integration results is presented in Chapter 13.

1.7 Comparison different integration results

Lastly, moiraine facilitates the comparison of the results from different integration methods, or from a same integration method but with different pre-processing options or parameter choices. It is possible to visualise the correlation between the results of different methods, in terms of the latent dimensions they constructed:

  output_list,              # List of integration results (standardised format)

Or compare the samples score or features weight from two latent dimensions created by two integration methods:

  list(mofa_output, diablo_output),  # Integration results (stand. format)
  list(                              # Latent dimensions to compare
    "MOFA" = "Factor 1", 
    "DIABLO" = "Component 1"
  mo_data = mo_set,                 # MultiDataSet object
  features_metric = "importance",   # Plot absolute or signed importance score
  label_cols = list(                # Columns from features metadata to use
    "rnaseq" = "Name",              #  as labels in plot
    "metabolome" = "name"

It is also possible to compute a consensus importance score for each feature, which summarises the contribution of the feature to different latent dimensions, and thus assess which features are highlighted across several integration methods. More details are provided in Chapter 14.