Heatmap of correlation between latent dimensions
Constructs a heatmap displaying the correlation between the latent dimensions constructed with several integration methods. The lower triangle of the heatmap displays the correlation between features weight, while the upper triangle shows the correlation between samples score. Each triangle of the matrix is reordered separately to show the most highly correlated dimensions next to each other.
latent_dimensions = NULL,
include_missing_features = FALSE,
legend_ncol = length(output_list),
legend_position = "bottom",
legend_title = "correlation"
- output_list
List of integration methods output each generated via the
function. If named, the names will be used to annotate the plot. See details.- latent_dimensions
Named list, where each element is a character vector giving the latent dimensions to retain in the corresponding element of
. Names must match those ofoutput_list
. Can be used to filter latent dimensions only in certain elements from output_list (see examples). IfNULL
(default value), all latent dimensions will be used.- include_missing_features
Logical, see
for details. Default value isFALSE
.- legend_ncol
Integer, number of columns in the legend. Default value is set to the length of
.- legend_position
Character, position of the legend. Should be one of
.- legend_title
Character, name to give to the heatmap colour legend. Intended to use to shorten the legend title if it goes out of frame.
If output_list
is unnamed, the different elements in the list will be
differentiated by the name of the method used to produce them (e.g. DIABLO,
sO2PLS, etc). In order to compare different results from a same integration
method (e.g. DIABLO applied to the full vs pre-filtered data), it is possible
to assign names to the elements of output_list
(see examples). These names
will be used in place of the method name in the plot to identify where the
latent dimensions come from.
if (FALSE) {
## Comparing the output from DIABLO, sO2PLS and MOFA
res <- list(
get_output_diablo(diablo_res), ## diablo_res: output from diablo_run()
get_output_so2pls(so2pls_res), ## so2pls_res: output from so2pls_o2m()
get_output_mofa2(mofa_res) ## mofa_res: output from run_mofa
## Selecting only some factors from a MOFA run for the comparison
## (for the other methods, all latent dimensions will be retained)
latent_dimensions = list(
"MOFA" = paste0("Factor ", 1:3)
## Comparing two different results from a same integration method -
## diablo_run_full and diablo_run_prefiltered would both be output
## from the diablo_run() function.
res <- list(
"DIABLO full" = get_output_diablo(diablo_run_full),
"DIABLO prefiltered" = get_output_diablo(diablo_run_prefiltered)