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Plots the results of a sparsity cross-validation for an sO2PLS run (from the OmicsPLS package).





List, result from a call to the so2pls_crossval_sparsity.


A ggplot.


The produced plot has one facet for each joint component. The x-axis corresponds to the number of features retained from the X dataset to construct the joint component, and the y-axis to the number of features retained from the Y dataset to construct the joint component. The colour of each point in the ith facet represents the average covariance obtained between the joint ith components of the two datasets over the cross-validation folds. The size of the points' shadow correspond to the covariance standard error across the cross-validation folds. For each joint component, the setting yielding the maximum average covariance is highlighted in orange, and the one yielding the highest average covariance under the 1-SD rule in red.