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Reads a csv file and returns a matrix in which the rows corresponds to features (e.g. markers, genes, phenotypes...) and the columns correspond to samples/observations.


import_dataset_csv(file, col_id, features_as_rows = TRUE, ...)



Character, path to the dataset csv file.


Character, the name of the column in the file that contains the ID of the rows (i.e. feature IDs if features_as_rows is TRUE, or sample IDs if features_as_rows is FALSE).


Logical, do the rows in the file correspond to features? Default value is TRUE, i.e. the file contains features as rows and samples as columns.


Further arguments passed to readr::read_csv().


A matrix with the samples as columns and the features as rows. Feature IDs are used as row names and sample IDs as column names.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data_geno <- import_dataset_csv(
  col_id = "Marker",
  features_as_rows = TRUE
data_pheno <- import_dataset_csv(
  col_id = "Sample",
  features_as_rows = FALSE
} # }