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Creates a MultiDataSet object from a list of Biobase Set objects to store the different omics sets.


create_multiomics_set(sets_list, datasets_names = NULL, show_warnings = TRUE)



List of Biobase::eSet objects, created via create_omics_set(). Currently accepted objects: Biobase::SnpSet, Biobase::ExpressionSet, MetabolomeSet, PhenotypeSet. Note that feature IDs must be unique between the sets, i.e. a same ID cannot be used in several omics sets.


Optional, vector of character, name for each Set object. Will be appended to the data type in the resulting object. If the sets_list list contains several objects of the same data type (e.g. several SnpSets), their names must be unique. If "" is provided, no name will be appended to the data type for the corresponding dataset.


Logical, should warnings be displayed when adding a set to the MultiDataSet object? Default value is TRUE.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## set_geno, set_transcripto and set_metabo are all Set objects
## Generating a MultiDataSet object with standard name
  list(set_geno, set_transcripto, set_metabo)

## Adding custom names for genomics and metabolomics datasets
## but not for the transcriptomics dataset
  list(set_geno, set_transcripto, set_metabo),
  datasets_names = c("genome1", "", "lcms")
} # }